Pasadena Unified School District, already reeling from the Eaton fire, faces a multimillion-dollar budget deficit that it aims to lower via staff reductions.
Human-I-T, a Long Beach-based nonprofit that repurposes old tech equipment and connects it with those who have need, ...
Pasadena’s Rental Housing Board has adopted a series of regulations in response to the Eaton fire. Here’s what you need to ...
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Southern California Edison will begin its first close-up physical inspections of certain power equipment ...
A hummingbird ‘cantina’ planned for the lost Eaton Canyon Nature Center lands in the Gamble House, and the birds are already ...
Pasadena Audubon Society’s feeders were destroyed in the January fire, but the Gamble House stepped in to help.
Suit filed by the estate of Rodney Nickerson, whose grandfather founded the Nickerson Gardens public housing complex in Watts ...
Los Angeles County and the city of Pasadena both filed lawsuits Wednesday against Southern California Edison alleging the ...
The County of Los Angeles and city of Pasadena filed separate lawsuits against Southern California Edison Wednesday over the ...
Los Angeles County and the cities of Pasadena and Sierra Madre have all filed lawsuits against Southern California Edison over damages due to the Eaton Fire.
The Pasadena Rental Housing Board has adopted protections for renters impacted by the Eaton fire, including eviction protection. PRHB amended its regulations to temporarily prevent evictions for ...
Southern California Edison will begin its first close-up physical inspections of certain power equipment under investigation for possible links to the start of the Eaton Fire in Los Angeles early this ...