And there are only two farms that take their cheese to the next level, making Boeren Goudse Oplegkaas, or aged artisanal Gouda, a special type of raw-milk farmhouse cheese that must weigh at least ...
Residents at an Alloa care home have developed a tasty new skill, as they created their own cheese for a special event.
Gouda is one of the tastiest and most versatile styles of cheese, so it's nice to always have some in the house. Just avoid ...
Goudas from the traditional region of production will be labelled ‘Noord-Hollandse Gouda’. Young Goudas will have a clear, or pale-yellow rind. Partly oven-dried examples may have a golden ...
famous for fermented or smelly cheese, have ventured into a new product. They are making Gouda cheese from yak milk. Gouda cheese made from cow’s milk, named after the city of Gouda in the Netherlands ...
For the second consecutive contest, an aged gouda called Arethusa Europa from Arethusa Farm Dairy in Bantam, Connecticut, ...
The traditional-style Gouda, aged for 13 months ... “It was an experience to witness that and be in the room trying to make cheese with sound crews, lighting guys, and three cameras.
If you want to make a mac and ... After eating cheese for the better half of a month, the one fromage we kept coming back to (and buying more of) was a truffled Gouda, made with actual flecks ...
The biennial US Championship Cheese Contest was held this week in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Marieke Gouda won an impressive ...