A federal court has signed off on a $700 million class-action settlement that will see drug manufacturers and distributors ...
A team of trained crisis response professionals in Chandler will answer 911 calls on overdoses and providing life-saving ...
“We know that that’s the only thing if someone is fallen over, dying from a fentanyl overdose — the only thing that will help is naloxone,” said George Massengill, who testified in favor of Re ...
The training is free, online and can be completed in 20 to 30 minutes," said Cris Henderson, who oversees the program.
(KXII) - Larry Kenemore with Rotary Action Group says the SMART program is a five step plan to lower opioid overdose rates in cities across the country using Naloxone, also known as Narcan.
Hundreds of overdoses in Saskatoon have prompted the government to activate the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) ...
A new USC-led study provides the first nationwide picture of who knows about, carries, and uses naloxone to reverse deadly opioid overdoses. Mireille Jacobson, professor of gerontology at the USC ...
Due to the duration of action of naloxone relative to the opioid, keep the patient under continued surveillance and administer additional doses as necessary while awaiting emergency medical ...
By 2023, the Office of Substance Use Programs Education & Resources (SUPER) started initiatives like the PEERS program and ChemX that provide free, anonymous access to naloxone (Narcan ...
The Reentry Opportunity Center, 1621 Towne Drive, will host a SAVE-A-LIFE: naloxone education and distribution event from ...
NORTH ADAMS — Bob Dean of Berkshire Harm Reduction urges people to keep naloxone, or Narcan, with them “the way that you have a spare tire in the trunk of your car.” “Hopefully, you never need it, but ...
Opioid deaths in Illinois have decreased for the first time since 2018, and Gov. JB Pritzker’s administration is in part ...