With an average annual income of $315 per capita, Nepal is the second poorest country in Asia after Afghanistan and one of ...
As most sugar mills have finished cane crushing, they plan to shut down their factories before Friday’s Holi festival in ...
With its outbound student mobility ratio at 19%, nearly 10 times that of India and China, Nepal is attracting international ...
Amid ongoing controversies over whether Nepal needs a new stock exchange, the sector's regulator, the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON), has expedited the installation process for a second stock ...
Yash Khandelwal, head of international business, TATA Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd, talks about TATA’s strategies for boosting sales in Nepal.
Setopati hosted the Nepal Fintech Conclave in Kathmandu on Tuesday. Nepal Rastra Bank Governor Maha Prasad Adhikari ...
While the recent rallies have drawn international attention, support for a return to the monarchy is neither new nor a ...
Lara Dutta visits Nepal, fulfilling her long-time wish, exploring temples and local markets. She experiences a surreal moment ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Following its decision to exit the Nepal market, Axiata Group Bhd announced it has entered into an unconditional sale and purchase agreement with Spectrlite UK Ltd to dispose of ...
Despite some progress, ESCs still struggle to connect job seekers with employers efficiently and provide systematic referral services.