Jackie Grossi lives with her family in a rambling ranch house at the end of a narrow road in Marin County. The view out the window of the house is of rolling hills, bright green in winter. Over one ...
Most cattle will leave, and an ambitious plan aims to restore coastal scrub, grasslands, and chaparral. But the agreement ...
Point Reyes is often at a bitter divide between environmentalism and human heritage. Now, in 2026, nearly all the ranches on ...
Bitterness remains acute in western Marin following a confidential deal to close a dozen ranches or dairies in the Point Reyes National Seashore.
Environmentalists scored a major victory Wednesday when the National Park Service agreed to revise its land management plan at Point Reyes National Seashore to better serve the area's native tule elk ...
POINT REYES, Calif.— The Coast Miwok Tribal Council, lineal descendants of the original inhabitants of Point Reyes, has sent Interior Secretary Deb Haaland a formal letter objecting to a National Park ...
POINT REYES, Calif.— The National Park Service released a management plan amendment today for Point Reyes National Seashore that would enshrine commercial cattle ranching in the California park at the ...