Salzburg usually sees its first snow in November or early December. Average temperatures dip as low as the 20s until they are revived in March. Smaller attractions and tours may shut down for this ...
Many of the city's attractions are found ... it's no wonder Salzburg consistently ranks as one of the top bike-friendly cities in Austria. In addition to bike tours, many of the area's hotels ...
Most attractions in Salzburg proper are within walking distance ... Wine production varies from region to region, although Austria produces fine red and dessert wines. In addition, white wines ...
And Salzburg offers plenty of high notes in terms of sights and setting ... You can’t move for Mozart in Salzburg. Austria’s A-list composer was born and bred here - a fact celebrated at ...
Munich has many sights to offer ... making it perfect for a day trip. Salzburg, the picturesque city in Austria, is famous for its cultural diversity and breathtaking beauty.
Salzburg schob sich vorerst sechs Punkte hinter der Austria auf den vierten Rang vor. Drei Runden sind bis zur Punkteteilung noch zu spielen. Für die Austria, die seit 28. September nicht mehr ...
Housed in a 1736 historic palace overlooking mountains and a lake, outside the old town of Salzburg – Offers bike rentals. This unique hotel is located in an extension of the historic ...