The Bratislava protest, which attracted an estimated 60 000 people, was one of the largest rallies since the 1989 Velvet ...
Slovak President Peter Pellegrini addressed the Prime Minister with a request to convene the Slovak Security Council. The Head of State announced that he would personally attend the meeting of the ...
Liberal democracy has failed and lost, Prime Minister Robert Fico said on STVR's Saturday Dialogues. He also stated that he does not plan to resign after the protests and the government will only ...
Pre zobrazenie videa je potrebné povoliť JavaScript. The four MPs Ján Ferenčák, Roman Malatinec, Radomír Šalitroš and Samuel Migaľ objected to the statements made by party chair Matúš Šutaj Eštok at ...
The motivation of the protesters comes not from abroad, but from home. The actors reject Culture Minister Martina Šimkovičová's claims that their statements after the performances were written abroad.
The government is talking about suspicions of a coup, the opposition is talking about nonsense and intelligence games. The Security Council met on the situation on Thursday and its conclusions have ...
Americký prezident Donald Trump v sobotu zaviedol clá na dovoz z Mexika, Kanady a Číny s platnosťou od utorka. Kým Trump ...
Začiatok roka je vhodný na dôkladný rozbor všetkých príjmov a výdavkov domácnosti, vrátane dlhov. Ako zvládnuť zvýšené ...
Americký minister zahraničných vecí Marco Rubio v nedeľu na úvod svojej prvej zahraničnej návštevy obvinil Panamu z porušenia ...
Chladné počasie ich nezastavilo. Desiatky dobrovoľníkov si spoločne zaplávalo v ľadovej vode pre jedinú vec - aby ukázali ...