the Japanese government funded the multi-institute Tohoku Ecosystem–Associate Marine Sciences project to analyse the effects of the tsunami and other earthquake-associated environmental changes ...
To navigate a turbulent business environment, CEOs must understand their landscape and align leadership thinking priorities, ...
The incredible aftermath of the Chicxulub asteroid impact—one of the most cataclysmic events in Earth’s history—is unfolding ...
There are a number of hazards caused by plate tectonics including earthquakes and tsunamis. Earthquakes have both primary effects (such as the destruction of buildings) and secondary effects (such ...
In the aftermath of the earthquake, when it was still unclear whether it would cause a tsunami, Puerto Rico Seismic Network director Ángel Vázquez told CBS News: "Although a high-impact event is ...
The endangered Hawaiian monk seal population in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands does not appear to have been severely affected by March’s tsunami from Japan, according to an initial assessment ...
The event placed several areas along the Mexican coastline under threat of tsunami — with those warnings and advisories lifted more than two hours later, according to USGS, the New York Post ...
A vertical sliding gate was opened to release high-speed water mimicking tsunami-like conditions in the tank. Upon releasing the water, the sensor in the column measured the impact force of the ...