Dark Nuns surpasses 1.43 million admissions, continues global success Dark Nun tops box offices in the Philippines and Indonesia, solidifying its global dominance.
Rallies erupted across Seoul on the first weekend following President Yoon Suk-yeol’s indictment with detention, with demonstrators either demanding his removal from office or voicing opposition to ...
The Public Official Election Act requires first trials in such cases to conclude within six months and appeals trials within ...
Unprecedented heavy snowfall is expected across South Korea during the Lunar New Year holiday, a rare phenomenon as the ...
Global haircare brand Wella Professionals has officially withdrawn from the South Korean market. Industry sources on Feb. 2 revealed that Wella’s domestic distributor, Areteon, notified around 2,000 ...
Galaxy S25 Edge ushers in a new thinness era Ultra-slim phone teased as competition with Apples iPhone 17 Air heats up ...
Has the economy peaked South Koreas growth stalls Three straight quarters of near-zero growth: experts warn of stagnation ...
South Korea’s government, along with selected prototype companies, has launched a project to develop a 16,000 lbf-class engine. However, experts warn that acquiring the necessary technology will pose ...
Korean palates are getting spicier. As a nation that routinely enjoys rice mixed with fiery gochujang, kimchi jjigae, and fresh green chilies on the side, Koreans have long embraced spice in their ...
이밖에도 위자료 및 재산분할 문제로도 법적 다툼을 벌여왔다. 왕샤오페이의 재산은 115억 대만달러 (한화 약 4317억원)에 달하며 서희원도 수백억원대의 재산을 보유하고 있다. 두 사람은 서희원 명의로 된 6억 대만달러 (약 ...
이재용 삼성전자 회장이 3일 ‘삼성바이오로직스 (삼성바이오) 분식 회계 의혹’ 사건의 항소심에서 무죄를 선고 받았다. 지난해 2월 1심 재판에서 자본시장법 위반 혐의 등 검찰이 적용한 19개 혐의에 대해 모두 무죄를 선고 ...
서울중앙지법 형사25부 (재판장 지귀연)는 윤 대통령의 첫 공판준비기일을 20일 오전 10시로 지정했다. 공판준비기일이란 본 재판을 시작하기 전 재판부가 검찰, 변호인 측과 쟁점을 정리하고 향후 재판 진행 절차 등을 정리하는 ...