Thirteen candidates from the San Diego area have registered to run in the 39th World Zionist Congress election, in advance of voting in the U.S. for the body known as the “parliament of the Jewish ...
With the historic milestone of 75 years of the Rebbe's leadership just days away, the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim - 770 ...
In Yiddish, this first haircut is called an Upsherin. This translates to “cutting off”. In modern Hebrew, Israeli’s use the ...
Jewish history has never been a straight line. We’ve seen soaringg highs and devastating lows, and those low points can be ...
I’ve been following closely every utterance of the new Trump administration regarding the situation in the Middle East. In ...
But President Trump is the new sheriff in town and during the transition, he declaimed that there would be hell to pay if the ...
Did Rav Kook promote an inclusive, moderate religious Zionism or was he the conservative Haredi nationalist father of the ...
A lesson the Alter Rebbe lovingly explained to a community who had fallen on hard times and reduced their donations to Colel ...
When a person is beleaguered with problems that disrupt his avodas Hashem and his Torah learning, he may ponder why he is suffering when his friend – who is not as devout – enjoys the good life, i ...
Yosef’s brothers begin to look at Mitzrayim as a possession (achuzah) and not merely as a temporary lodging place before returning to Eretz Yisrael. This is a cause of wonder! Hashem has ...
After becoming the first Jew to be executed by the British Mandatory Authority in Eretz Yisrael, Ben-Yosef became a martyr for the Revisionist cause and he is today commemorated by the State of ...
In case of abuse, Report this post. There was great apprehension by Yakov Avinu to the idea that he would once again have to leave Eretz Yisrael. Hashem needed to give him assurances that this was ...