Yanmar has appointed Masuo Ueda as the executive producer for the original anime, depicting the encounter between a weaponless robot named "MIRU" and humans. Under the principle of HANASAKA, which ...
This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
Japan's celebrated manga industry is facing a dilemma: how to use artificial intelligence? Some comic book artists believe the technology will make their labour-intensive job much easier ...
Upheaval ahead? Dystopian prophesies of a robot-centred future have long featured in the public imagination. However, recent breakthroughs in generative AI have given more credibility to ...
Japan’s population is the oldest in the world, with a third aged over 65, and one in 10 aged over 80, due to a combination of low fertility rates and high life expectancy. This has a direct ...
(CNN) — Japan ... robotics to supplement the workforce. Tamir Blum founded Kisui Tech while still a student, in 2021 — a company that is using technology from space exploration to build an AI ...
Today's robots perform safety checks at industrial ... freeing up people while raising complex questions about the roles of artificial intelligence that are gaining attention.
Tamir Blum is using technology from space exploration to build an AI-assisted farming robot. Jack Smith’s final report on Trump’s Jan. 6 case released Parents who raise mentally strong kids ...
The unmanned robots are also expected to be useful at sites that firefighters cannot reach easily, such as places with extremely hot temperatures and facilities that handle chemicals. When a Japan ...