Trade deadline season has already begun with the shocking trades between teams making blockbuster swings left and right.
Fewer than five weeks remain before the NHL trade deadline. So far, there have been 22 trades (including January blockbusters involving Mikko Rantanen and J.T. Miller). There will be more ...
Nearly a third of the NHL's teams have already made a trade heading into 4 Nations. Is it just the start with a pause coming ...
Kaapo Kakko kaupattiin Rangersista Krakeniin. Muutos on tehnyt turkulaiselle hyvää, sillä New Yorkissa tilanne oli käynyt tukalaksi, mistä Kakko myös avasi sanaisen arkkunsa.
The Canucks are suddenly a team with three Swedes named Pettersson and two Czechs named Filip. But there is still only one Thatcher Demko, and on Tuesday he looked exactly like himself.
Leijonat sai jälleen huonoja uutisia, kun Buffalo Sabres tiedotti 4 Nations -turnaukseen nimetyn maalivahti Ukko-Pekka Luukkosen olevan sivussa loukkaantumisen vuoksi. Luukkonen loukkaantui Buffalon ...