Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico talks to the media in the Slovak Permanent Representation on January 9, 2025, in Brussels, Belgium. (Source: Getty Images) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ...
The coalition has until March to resolve the issue. BRATISLAVA - After months of denying a coalition crisis, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD/NI) admitted coalition parties are not ...
The suggestion may sound hyperbolic, but reports from Bratislava are becoming stranger by the day. Consider this: Slovakia’s Prime Minister, Robert Fico, visited Vladimir Putin in Moscow on December ...
Robert Fico sa musel tento týždeň zúčastniť na mimoriadnom európskom výbore, na ktorý ho zavolali opoziční poslanci. Od premiéra chceli, aby im vysvetlil neoznámenú cestu za ruským prezidentom ...
Ukraine offered its help to the Slovak people during the adaptation period to the absence of gas transit from Russia, but Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico bet on Moscow, not on his own country or ...
Slovakia's populist left-wing Prime Minister Robert Fico has compared Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky to a beggar who “goes around Europe asking for alms.” He declared that he had had ...
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico speaks to the media at the Slovak Permanent Representation in Brussels on January 9, 2025, following his controversial visit to Moscow. (Source: Getty Images) Slovak ...
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico called Ukraine an unreliable partner and accused President Volodymyr Zelensky of blackmailing European leaders for support at a parliamentary meeting on Jan. 10. "He ...
Po neúspešnej snahe spojiť ich s ním recepčná hotela povedala, že hosť zrejme nie je momentálne na izbe. Premiér Robert Fico v krátkom videu na Facebooku priznal, že počas vianočných sviatkov trávil ...
Predseda Progresívneho Slovenska na základe vývoja kauzy okolo plynu označil za očividné, že premiér Robert Fico je v Európe politicky izolovaný a v tejto téme nemá žiadnu podporu. Je zjavné, že ...