To begin to correct the injustices that generations of Palestinians have faced, and to become “a society that can live with its conscience,” the story of ...
In witnessing the persecution and suffering of the Middle East’s Christian communities, Israel is willing to posture itself ...
Is this who you want representing you?
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he is a Zionist and believes in the rights of Jewish people. Speaking at the National Forum on Combatting anti-Semitism, he said no one in the country ...
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau declares support for Zionism, urging Canadians to fight anti-Semitism. The Israeli embassy appreciates his stance amid a 670% rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Canada.
He founded Tzedek Chicago — the word "tzedek" means "justice" in Hebrew — after breaking with the Zionism of his upbringing. For Rosen, the break came after a 2008 incursion by Israel on Gaza ...