The film primarily follows Thomas (Nicholas Hoult) a salesman who must leave his wife Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp) to travel to Transylvania and meet with the reclusive Count-Orlock (Bill Skarsgard).
EXCLUSIVE: Focus Features, Ashok Amritraj’s Hyde Park Entertainment and Mario Kassar Productions are nearing a deal to ...
ComingSoon Senior Editor Brandon Schreur spoke to cinematographer Jarin Blaschke about working on Robert Eggers' new Focus ...
Exclusive: Jarin Blaschke confirms he and Robert Eggers have begun researching the look of their medieval werewolf movie, and ...
Winter break marked a seminal occasion for insufferable horror movie fans such as yours truly: the release of Robert Eggers’s long-awaited revamp of F. W. Murnau’s “Nosferatu” (2024). Eggers is best ...
For those of you who aren't bird experts, the common loon is a diving bird usually found in North America. Nosferatu is set ...
Overall, “Nosferatu” is another great Eggers flick and one of the best Gothic horror pieces of recent memory. More than being ...