A panel of three accomplished women professionals will share their personal experiences with mentoring—both as mentors and mentees. They’ll discuss how mentoring has influenced their career ...
With a “new” entrant to the forfeiture reallocation suit “suite” and a decision in favor of fiduciary defendants — Nevin & Fred review the latest litigation developments.
Barbara Delaney has left HUB International, the high-profile retirement plan industry veteran confirmed Saturday. Delaney said she plans to focus on healthcare plan fiduciary issues contained in The ...
State-level activity to expand retirement plan coverage marches on, as four state legislatures are considering bills to create state programs for private-sector employees whose employers do not offer ...
Well, here we are again at the end of yet another workweek . . . and yet, just look at what has happened to these guys and gals . . .
The recent dismissal of a class-action lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson over prescription drug benefit mismanagement should not be misinterpreted as a relaxation of fiduciary responsibilities under ...
To give new Department of Labor (DOL) officials time determine their next steps, a federal circuit court judge has granted the DOL its motion to pause two federal court cases challenging the so-called ...
Last week a reader brought to my attention an episode of Jim Cramer’s “Mad Money” — an episode wherein he referred to the 401(k) as a “mixed” bag.
Appearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, President Trump’s nominee to be Secretary of Labor fielded a number of questions about her previous record in ...
A new report by the Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association (DCIIA) outlines what defined contribution plan fiduciaries should consider when constructing a plan investment menu, ...
The New York-based fintech company has, once again, expanded its suite of benefit offerings, this time announcing the launch of a new workplace emergency savings account (ESA) program.
Responding to a recent call from a financial advisor in South Dakota, the ERISA consultants at the Retirement Learning Center (RLC) address whether a plan participant can skip required minimum ...