Morris, for his part, said he reminds himself “of the incredible safety record of commercial aviation. Statistically speaking ...
The plane crash in D.C. last month was the deadliest aviation accident in almost 25 years. After witnessing that horror, it's ...
Major airline trade organizations have started lobbying Trump's new leadership at the Transportation Department to get rid of ...
MoS civil aviation Murlidhar Mohol said 63 passengers were put on the list in 2022, 110 in 2023 and 82 in 2024.
In the past three years, 255 passengers were added to India's 'No Fly List' for incidents like misbehaviour and quarrels. The ...
and the feature list looks compelling. But like previous SE models, almost all of the new iPhone’s tech has been seen before. Except for one new feature—and it’s likely to fly under the radar.
with Sunday the most expensive day to fly. Do layovers on flights save you money? It may come as no surprise that flights with layovers are cheaper than nonstop flights, but you may not realize ...
Unlike Sundance, Hollywood isn’t quite ready to leave the slopes. THR looks at the latest A-list-approved must-haves for the ...
The gist is that starting May 7, 2025, every U.S. citizen who is 18 years and older will need a Real ID or approved alternative to fly domestically ... The short answer is no. But here’s ...
"As FBI director nominee, [Trump] has chosen someone whose primary qualification, in my view, is his willingness to say 'yes' when everyone else would say 'no ... includes a list of 60 Trump ...