WWF Finland - WWF Suomi
Our target is to protect the biodiversity of nature and reduce the size of the human ecological footprint. In order to achieve our targets, we work diversely on practical conservation projects around the globe, as well as in specialist groups and around political negotiating tables.
World Wide Fund for Nature - Finland - IUCN
World Wide Fund for Nature - Finland WWF is a global organization that is doing all it can to halt the accelerating destruction of our natural world. Yet it is no good being global if we cannot act locally.
WWF Suomi
6 days ago · WWF:n kummius on täydellinen lahja luonnonystävälle. Monimuotoinen luonto on kaiken elämän edellytys maapallollamme. Sinun tukesi on tärkeää uhanalaisten lajien sekä niiden elinympäristöjen suojelutyössä. Kerromme WWF-lehdessä innostavia tarinoita luonnonsuojelusta ja tarjoamme mielenkiintoisia näkökulmia ympäristöasioihin.
WWF Finland | UCP Knowledge Network
Aug 9, 2010 · Founded in 1961, WWF has grown from a small organization focused on the conservation of endangered species to the most influential environmental organization in the world. We have been operating in Finland since 1972.
World Wide Fund for Nature - Wikipedia
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is a Swiss-based international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 that works in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment. [5]
WWF: Finland uses annual share of natural resources in 3 months
Mar 31, 2023 · Finland used up its share of Earth's natural resources for the year on Friday, according to the country's branch of the WWF, the World Wide Fund For Nature. Earth Overshoot Day arrives when people have consumed more from nature than the planet can renew.
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) | News | Yle Uutiset
Running out of shelter activity ideas? Slow TV offers snake and bird cams. Definition suomeksi: WWF på svenska: Världsnaturfonden.
Home | WWF
WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. The European Policy Office contributes to this by advocating for strong EU environmental policies on sustainable development, nature conservation, climate and energy, marine protection, sustainable ...
WWF – Wikipedia
WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) on vuonna 1961 perustettu kansainvälinen ympäristöjärjestö. WWF:n pyrkimyksenä on pysäyttää ympäristön tilan huononeminen ja rakentaa tulevaisuutta , jossa ihmiskunta elää sopusoinnussa luonnon kanssa.
What will WWF Finland do to promote the goal of the WWF Network? By 2030, sites that are important for biodiversity have been more effectively con served and restored in Finland and our international priority regions.